OxyContin Abuse, addiction effects, signs and symptoms

What is OxyContin and how does it function?

OxyContin is prescribed to help relieve moderate to severe ongoing pain caused due to medical conditions like cancer and other health issues requiring ongoing pain management. You can Buy Oxycontin Online if you have similar problems. OxyContin is a part of a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics, which work in the brain to alter how your nervous system (CNS) and entire body feel and respond to pain. OxyContin acts as a nervous system depressant which causes a decrease in heart and breathing rates.

Abuse and Addiction to OxyContin

OxyContin can be habit-forming and addictive, especially if you have a prior history of misuse or abuse of substances. It is suggested that after you Buy OxyContin Online, you should take it in moderation under the supervision of your prescribing physician. If you have been using OxyContin for a long period, you may develop dependence or tolerance, which can cause addiction and abuse. If you think your prescription isn’t working for you, you should inform your physician, who will adjust your dosage. It would be best if you don’t increase your dose or the frequency of having OxyContin on your own.

  1.  OxyContin, like all opioids, causes side effects like dizziness or drowsiness, which can aggravate when mixed with alcohol or cannabis. It is suggested that you don’t operate heavy machinery and abstain from taking CNS depressants while using OxyContin. People looking for the effect and feeling of euphoria may misuse or abuse OxyContin. It would be best to keep your medicine in a safe place away from others without a prescription for the drug.
  2. The dosage of OxyContin prescribed will be based on your medical condition and response to treatment. It is advised not to increase your dosage intake without your doctor’s consultation as that would increase the risk of addiction Buy OxyContin Online and overdose, which can even result in death in severe cases.
  3. If you suddenly stop using OxyContin, you may face withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, mood changes, thoughts of suicide, sweating, sudden changes in behaviour, etc. This may cause a relapse and an addiction to OxyContin, and it would be best if you decrease your dosage with time as instructed by your doctor.

The effects of withdrawal from prolonged OxyContin abuse can be highly unpleasant, especially if the medicine is stopped abruptly rather than tapered down.

Withdrawal symptoms include:

  •  Anxiety
  •  Depression
  •  Panic attacks
  •  Nausea and vomiting
  •  Insomnia
  •  Muscle and bone pain
  •  Muscular weakness

What are the signs and symptoms caused by using OxyContin?

The common side effects caused by oxycontin are-

  1. Nausea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Constipation
  4. Dry Mouth
  5. Lightheaded feeling
  6. Weakness

The severe side effects of OxyContin are-

  • Interrupted breathing during sleep
  • Mood changes
  • Agitation, Confusion or Hallucinations
  • Severe stomach/abdominal pain
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss, unusual tiredness
How long does it take OxyContin to function, and how long does it stay in the system?

OxyContin is Schedule II controlled medicine with a high potential for misuse and abuse leading to dependence and overdose. The half-life of OxyContin is 4-5 hours, which means it takes 4-5 hours for half the active dose to be eliminated from the body. A single dose of OxyContin works for approximately 12 hours, and Oxycontin and its metabolites can be detected for longer in specific tests.

  1. Urine – 4 days after the last dose.
  2. Blood – 24 hours post the previous dose
  3. Saliva – 48 hours after the last amount.
  4. Hair – 90 days after the last dose

The detection factors like age, sex, liver and health function, kidney and fitness function, and other medication will determine how long OxyContin can be detected in your system.

How to use OxyContin?

You should swallow the tablet/capsule whole and not break, crush, chew or dissolve it, which would increase the risk of overdose. It would be best to abstain from eating grapefruit or having grapefruit juice unless your doctor tells you otherwise. You should use the higher strength of OxyContin only if you have previously used other opioid medication regularly and in large amounts. It is not recommended to use the extended-release form of OxyContin for short-term pain. You can use OxyContin every 12 hours with or without food after you Buy OxyContin Online. However, if you have nausea, you should take it with food or ask your doctor for other methods to deal with sickness.

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